March 11, 2009

So where everything stands

So, here is what we are focusing on, after much discussion with the post-show team and members of identity, graphics, and promo.

1) For f
amily/friends: postcard pack (1000 units) [like the James Jean piece (on the blog, with a wrap piece and a booklet of 3-5 postcards]
2) For industry
: Disposable Camera, Silkscreened Bags, A Small Postcard Collection (300 Units) [(same idea as 1) but a full collection of 10-20 postcards], if we can get the bags and camera great, if not that's alright too.
3) For high level spons
ors: A small postcard collection [same as 2) or maybe more cards] USB or CD that is meant as a medium to hold info regarding their sponsorship) (10-15 units)

Also, we had discussed (in the first meeting), of doing a full collection with every student, and their postcard with their website image on the front. Everyone at the meeting liked the idea of selling these, so I think that we will set up a meeting with graphics, and they can brief us on their process and then we can aim to try to do this (but we should start with creating 20 cards, and then move to more if we have time).

In terms of the flipbook, Members on Identity liked it a lot since it is interactive. So I think that we should explore the flip book idea more, using the images from the website/submitted ones.

Just like this format for the postcard series, not like this design.

Just like this format for the flipbook, not like this design.

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