January 22, 2009

some ideas i came across...

This sort of reminds me of what one of the ideas that was proposed...

I quite enjoy this one. The film pulls out to reveal the show information :)
Goes well with the 'photo' theme...

Another example of a 3d invitation.

This site also has some good ideas: http://www.aloofdesign.com/show/promotion/georgina-goodman-london


Amy C said...

I like the idea with the camera film containing a message. It's interesting... I don't know if it will work well as a 'thank you', since I think it works nicer as a invite. but I think it is a great idea...=)

Chelsea said...

I agree with you Amy.

The piece would work well as an invite, but it could also be tied in as a thank-you piece since the invite plays on the idea of photos and transparencies through the use of slides.

I especially like the fact that you need to pull it out to reveal the message/image. It plays on the Grad Show's theme of curiosity.