This is just for the bag. I'm not really set on the bag right now. I think that the bag is great for holding the thank you item, but it does not work well as a thank you item for industry by itself.

This is for the postcard booklet idea. We can do a wrap piece that goes around, or we can just have the booklet. Now that we have that binding machine at York, I think this might work quite well.

Another idea that Jaimie helped spark was the idea of a business card sized booklet that contains everyone's info. I like that idea, but I've changed it slightly, into a flip-book. So the photos we took a few weeks ago can be used for this, and everyone's contact info will be on each card. The logo is on the images and as one flips through the booklet, the logo moves and bounces around the images. Here is a sketch and some images of flip-books.

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