February 26, 2009

One more thing...

I just found this and thought it was a cute idea! They are coasters made from polaroids.

February 25, 2009

Kinda late, but some ideas...

So I have had a few of these things in my mind for a bit and haven't posted them, anyhoo here are a few ideas...

1) just a cute idea for giveaways, I know we were thinking of the buttons but I was going to look into pencils? If we could get something cute printed on them it would be sweet.

2) This is neat, it is picture frames made from photos and old jars, I thought it might be a neat gift for the sponsors (I know we said flash drives but it is a backup?)

3) This little package I thought could also be an idea for like the thank you package with the letter and such that we were going to send to the donors and what not... I thought they had a nostalgic feel and could be used to send a new letter or something?

4) Just a few card ideas

5) I just like the bottles..hehe

February 20, 2009

Meeting 1 Recap

So we had our first post-show meeting yesterday. Here is what we are looking into.

#1. - meant for family/friends night (estimate of about 1000 visitors)
- the item will be a button on a thank you card/note

#2. - meant for industry night (estimate of at least 300 visitors)
- the item at this point is undecided, since we are relying on donations
- our first choice is: disposable camera that will have our designed package/thank you note
- our second choice is: reusable bags that are silkscreened with our design
- our third choice is: a postcard booklet/ series that relates to the theme of our show
- so basically, if we cannot get the first/second choice as donations or at a cheap price, then we will be doing a postcard series
- it was also mentioned that a postcard series that showcases all the students work might be something that we want to make and then sell at the show, but we would have to figure out the production cost since we are aiming to sell them for less than $10
- if we want, we can always do a combination for this but we have to wait and see what donations we can get

#3. - meant for sponsors that gave a large sum (estimated of less than 10 at the moment)
- our first choice is to have USB with a PDF (showing their contributions, their logo at the show/on the design invite etc), possibly a short video with a thank you note, and an accompanied printed version of the PDF (sort of like the sponsorship package)
- if we cannot get USBs then we can use CDs (possibly rewriteable ones)

One more thing

I saw this in this weeks flyer for Canadian Tire.

Cameras and bags

These are also found on Veer (see below post). They produce some really great shots of panoramic views, fish-bowl effects etc. Maybe we should trying contacting some of these companies and seeing if they could donate their products.

Also, we are looking into screen printing bags, so I thought the t-shirt designs sor of relate and offer some inspiration.


These are some things from Veer.

This is just a nice idea I came across, I know we've decided on the items, but inspiration is always good.

I like the idea of film being used as a design/visual element. Maybe something to think about for the 'design' aspect of our thank you packages.

Buttons are one of our items, if all else fails, we can always do a collection of buttons much like this for industry.

February 19, 2009

February 12, 2009

Some more ideas

This is a really nice idea. It is a card, that you can fold out to reveal the entire message.

This is just kind of a cute idea. It is a card with pieces that you pop out to make little items.

February 9, 2009


I found something that could hold "give-aways" or even business cards when you're going around everyone's booths. There's a pocket in the front with a clear window where you can slide in a postcard.

And here's a bunch of images from the production team; I hope they don't mind that I've posted them here.