January 30, 2009

Important Details

The components that we are considering for Post-Show are:

1) A thank you note/card (this would be a simple card or letter that says something like ‘thank you for attending our show… etc etc’)

2) Give-away that is design by us (can be a class related give away where contact info of class is on it, or can be a designed piece that showcases the theme of our show)

3) Sponsored or donated give-away (where we can get a company to donate a give-away to our show, such as disposable cameras, usb etc. then we can design a wrapper or packaging for it)

Keep in mind that 1) and 2) can be combined as one piece (like you can make a printed piece that has a thank you message already on it).

So feel free to give some in-depth thought/sketches/research into what the thank you package should be. You can post your ideas on the blog, and a meeting will be scheduled later on in the month of February.

January 28, 2009

Postcard Thank You package

So, I came across this a few days ago. And I thought it might be a great idea as a thank you. Since we do have a bunch of photos as the branding, and postcards as the invites. We can make a small postcard book with a wrap package. This can include contact info of students, some usable postcards, and a thank you note.

Here an example of one. (It is a postcard book of James Jean's artwork).

January 27, 2009

Some more ideas

So. I have kept my eyes open for ideas that may work with our theme. There is something called an Olga Camera and Diana Camera that I thought would work nicely as a give away. Basically, they are cameras that use film, and because they are inexpensive/plastic/film camera, they produce images that are similar to the 'olden' feeling of the brand. I learned about this through Cityline.

Take a look at:

Also, here are some other ideas.

It would be nice if we could combine a thank you note/card with the giveaway. This idea was from the same design company is the one with the film in the previous post by Jess.

Maybe we could get the branding placed on disposable cameras as give-aways.

This camera is purchased as pieces and put together by the customer (sort of like Ikea furniture).

January 22, 2009

some ideas i came across...

This sort of reminds me of what one of the ideas that was proposed...

I quite enjoy this one. The film pulls out to reveal the show information :)
Goes well with the 'photo' theme...

Another example of a 3d invitation.

This site also has some good ideas: http://www.aloofdesign.com/show/promotion/georgina-goodman-london

January 21, 2009


Perrygraf is a company that specializes in 3D design printing. Since our theme this year can be 3D and 2D, it might be interesting to design something like this for our thank you package.

Check out their stuff at www.perrygraf.com.

Sheridan Illustration Program 2008 Graduate Book

Found this online. Sheridan Institute got Rethink Communications to design this book. It's professional, and maybe since Sheridan has connections with them, we could get something like this done as well... just an idea.

January 13, 2009

Card Idea

So Annmarie found a really interesting site for thank you cards. Check it out at:

January 12, 2009

Posters anyone?

i thought about how YSDN has been printing all those amazing posters this year (i.e. the master of design one, and the type design one)... maybe a giant poster with the brand/theme would be a good idea. on the back, could be the contact info for each person... and on the front, maybe it could b those photos that we all bring in, or some other design relating to our show. Posters are always good, and it seems that YSDN knows where to get posters printed, and has a good relation with them.

this is of a poster giveaway for the Underground.

January 8, 2009

thank you letter

maybe the thank you letter can be unique and interesting, as opposed to just a letter.

this one is nice as well. seems professional, i like the form and idea of it.

Class related give-away ideas (cont)

goes along with the puzzle idea.

might be nice in relation to the brand shape.

similar to the cards, but this one is attached together.

maybe this idea using different icons and images can apply to the student giveaway.

the booklet cover reminds me of the web/photo idea of branding.

Class related give-away ideas

thought this was nice, and could work with the brand. each students image and work could be on one of these which could be given away to people who attend the show.

this goes along with a previous idea of cards for each student's work etc, and together it makes up one image. It also goes along with Erika's idea about a puzzle.

An accordion booklet with student's photo/name on one side, and the work on the other.

This reminds me of the shape of the brand. It could be used to have contact info, student photo and then student work on the other side.

This is just a cute idea.